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Leadership In The Digital Age: Online Seminars For Managers

In times of hybrid structures, managers need new leadership methods to organize collaboration among their employees. Use our high-quality video courses or create your individual training on leadership and management.

Leadership Styles

Change Management, Remote and Situational Leadership: integrate digitization within your company through the embrace of new leadership methods and technologies.

Leadership Soft Skills

Empathy, feedback, and integrity: enhance the management skills of your managers and ensure that they successfully achieve company goals in the long term.

Female Leadership & Inclusion

Recognize the advantages and potential of female managers, create an inclusive work atmosphere and support all your employees effectively.

Customized training path for leadership
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The acquisition of securing talented employees and the speed at which new innovations are launched in the market continue to increase. The digital transformation is constantly challenging the leadership skills of managers.

Adapt from face-to-face to online meetings, instead of practicing hierarchical project-based forms of leadership, try collaborative ones – companies that fail to adapt to the new situation on the labor market will continue to lose relevance in the long term. Nevertheless, many managers lack the necessary knowledge and resources to successfully develop themselves and their leadership style. After years of leading in their usual style and structures, managers often find new methods and social demands overwhelming.


With, you can integrate your company's leadership styles into the digital transformation and keep up-to-date with market demands in the long run. Choose from high-quality courses on agile frameworks like Scrum or Design Thinking and combine our versatile online courses with your training or video material. Digitize internal classroom training in just a few clicks and provide your executives with comprehensive online training they can access anytime, anywhere.

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Digitizing mandatory training

Hein & Oetting trusts Masterplan

Our Software: How to Build Your Online Leadership Courses or Provide Internal Training Online

1. Upload your training materials (e.g., PDFs/presentations on use cases in your company)

2. Expand your Learning Path with content from the extensive Masterplan library

3. Create your own quizzes

4. Distribute the Learning Path to your employees and define a deadline

5. Measure learning success and see which employee has successfully completed the training and when

Our Best Leadership Training

Leadership Training You Love to Watch

Take a look at an example of our engaging Leadership courses:

6 advantages that represent our platform

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Create game-based incentives, motivate in the long term.

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Proven success for professional and personal development.

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Exclusive Content

Inspires beginners as well as experts.

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E-learning has never been of such high quality.

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Apply what you have learned directly.

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Top Speaker

Insider knowledge from international digital luminaries.

Use for all internal training topics:

Digital Marketing – training
Effective communication in digital teams - training
Listen to the Customer with Digital Analytics – Masterplan training

Digitization Training

Digital working, communicating and leading

Learn more
Occupational health and safety as mandatory training -
Managing Enterprise Compliance – training
GDPR in the Workplace - course

Mandatory Training

From occupational safety to compliance and GDPR

Learn more
GDPR in the Workplace – Masterplan-Course
Data Protection in the workplace – Masterplan-Course
GDPR – Use, Implementation and Common Misconceptions – Masterplan-Course

Data Protection & Security

From GDPR to Information Security

Learn more
CertifiedInformation Security
ISO/IEC 27001
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Download our App & discover mobile learningexperience. Available on iOS and Android.
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