

Stefan Peukert & Talip Yenal

Masterplan com GmbH

c/o Masterplan com GmbH
Jakob-Funke-Platz 2
D – 45127 Essen
Registered office of the company: Bochum
Registered court: Amtsgericht Bochum
Registered number: HRB 16508
Item no.: 1130/436/50544
UID: DE310915067

Other Locations

Masterplan com GmbH
Dircksenstr. 47
10178 Berlin

Extrajudicial dispute resolution

We do not participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board. According to EU Regulation No. 524/2013, however, we are obliged to point out that the European Commission operates a platform for out-of-court online settlement of disputes (the so-called OS platform) at