The 70-20-10 model is a learning strategy that states that learners gain 70% of their knowledge from on-the-job experiences, 20% through social interactions, and 10% through formal training. It encourages informal learning and takes multiple learning pathways into account.
Agile learning refers to a flexible and iterative learning strategy that adapts to changing needs and challenges. It emphasizes collaboration, experimentation, and continuous improvement.
Asynchronous learning enables learners to work on content in an individual way, independent of time and place. It is based on pre-recorded learning materials or online courses and offers flexibility for learners.
Auditory learning methods are techniques that use listening and hearing for learning. They include lectures, podcasts, and discussions that engage learners' listening and communication senses.
Autonomous learning describes the approach to learning in which learners set their own learning goals and take responsibility for shaping their own learning path. It promotes self-regulation and intrinsic motivation.
Business transformation describes the comprehensive change of companies to respond to market changes, technologies or strategic goals. It often involves business models, processes and culture.
Clear thinking and deciding refers to the core competency of making rational, logical, and informed decisions. It involves critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and clear analysis of information to make the best choice.
Cohort-based learning refers to a group of learners going through a learning process together. It promotes social interaction, knowledge sharing, and supports the building of a learning community.
Collaboration and leadership are core competencies. They describe the collaborative approach in which leaders and team members work together to achieve goals. It emphasizes open communication, teamwork, and shared decision making.
Communication skills refer to the core competence of conveying and receiving information effectively. It includes active listening, clear expression, and appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal communication tools.
Communicative learning methods use active interaction and discussion in the learning process. They include group work, debates, and role plays to promote the exchange of ideas and understanding.
Computer-based learning refers to learning activities that are carried out with the help of computers and digital media. It includes e-learning courses, interactive exercises, and educational software that support learning.
Continuous learning emphasizes lifelong learning and the constant improvement of skills. It means that learners continuously develop their competencies in order to adapt to changing requirements.
Cooperative learning promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing in groups. It emphasizes common goals, mutual support, and collective learning to achieve deeper understanding.
Core skills refer to specific capabilities or resources that distinguish a company or individual from others and provide competitive advantages. They are the core strengths on which success is built.
Creativity refers to the core competence of generating new ideas, solutions or approaches. It requires originality, the courage to cross boundaries and combine different ways of thinking to achieve innovative results.
Cross-skilling is the development of employees in additional skills and competencies beyond their current responsibilities. It enables more flexibility, increases adaptability and promotes employee growth.
Design thinking is a creative approach to problem solving that focuses on the needs of the user. It involves iterative processes such as empathy, ideation, prototyping and feedback to develop innovative solutions.
Digital learning uses digital media and technologies to deliver learning content. It includes e-learning, mobile learning applications, and interactive learning platforms that make the learning process more efficient and flexible.
Digital literacy refers to the knowledge, skills and understanding required to use technologies effectively. This includes IT skills, information management, online communication and security in the digital environment.
Digital transformation describes the comprehensive integration of digital technologies into all areas of an organization. It changes business processes, enables innovation, and improves the customer experience.
Digitization refers to the transformation of analog information and processes into digital formats. It automates processes, improves data management and opens up new opportunities for innovation.
E-learning is a form of digital learning in which educational content is made accessible via the internet or by means of digital learning platforms. It enables location-independent learning, self-study and interactive teaching methods.
Education controlling comprises the systematic planning, implementation and evaluation of educational measures in organizations. It serves to monitor the success, quality assurance and optimization of learning processes.
Feedback is a form of response given in education and work environments to assess learning progress or performance. It promotes self-reflection, identification of strengths/weaknesses, and provides opportunities for improvement.
Flexible learning enables individual design of learning time, place and pace. It uses different learning paths such as e-learning or blended learning to meet the needs and circumstances of the learners.
Formal learning is structured, organized, and usually institutionalized. It follows a set curriculum and often involves schools, universities, or formal continuing education programs.
Fuckup Nights are events where people talk about their failed business projects. The aim is to learn from mistakes, to de-taboo failure and to share experiences.
Future Learning refers to future-oriented learning that prepares for evolving technologies, working conditions and challenges. It emphasizes lifelong learning and the development of future competencies.
Future Skills are key competencies that are important for the future world of work. These include critical thinking, creativity, digital competence, emotional intelligence and adaptability.
Gamification uses game-like elements and mechanisms in non-game contexts, such as education or work. It increases motivation, engagement, and learning success through rewards, competitions, and point systems.
Global Citizenship stands for the idea that people see themselves as part of a global community and work for social justice, sustainability and intercultural understanding. It promotes global responsibility and cooperation.
Haptic learning methods use the sense of touch in the learning process. They include hands-on activities, manipulation of materials, or working with physical objects to enhance understanding and recall.
Hard skills are measurable and learnable abilities acquired through education, training or experience. They are concrete, subject-related and specific, such as technical knowledge, foreign languages or mathematical skills.
Human Resources (HR) refers to the department or function in an organization that deals with personnel management, employee recruitment, development and support. HR ensures efficient human resources management and supports employees in their working lives.
Hybrid learning combines different learning formats such as on-site training and online learning. It offers flexible learning opportunities, optimizes learning success, and promotes the integration of digital and traditional teaching methods.
Informal learning is unconstrained and occurs spontaneously in everyday life. It often occurs through observation, experience, and social interaction. Informal learning promotes practical knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Just-In-Time Learning (JIT) enables on-demand, point-in-time learning. It provides targeted information or training precisely when it is relevant for the learner to master specific tasks or challenges.
Kinesthetic learning methods use movement and body experience in the learning process. They include hands-on activities, role-playing or simulations to improve understanding and recall.
The Kirkpatrick model is an evaluation method for training effectiveness. It consists of four levels: Reaction (learner feedback), Learning (consolidation of knowledge), Behavior (implementation in everyday work), and Outcome (positive impact on the organization).
Learning & Development (L&D) stands for training and development measures in organizations. It encompasses the planning, implementation and evaluation of training courses that strengthen employees' competencies and promote corporate success.
Learning cycles describe recurring learning phases in which learners discover, apply, reflect on, and deepen their understanding of new concepts. It promotes an iterative and improved learning process over time.
A learning needs assessment identifies the specific learning requirements of a target group or organization. It assesses existing competencies, identifies gaps, and informs the development of customized learning solutions.
A learning nugget is a small, standalone learning unit. It can be a short video, an infographic, or an interactive quiz. Nuggets are easy to consume and enable point-in-time, on-demand learning.
A learning objectives assessment evaluates learning success through tests, quizzes, or other assessment methods. It enables learners to verify that they have achieved the defined learning objectives and identifies areas for improvement.
Learning on demand refers to time- and location-independent learning in which learners have control over the learning process. They can access learning content as needed to solve specific questions or problems.
A learning organization promotes continuous learning and knowledge sharing at all levels. It creates a culture of learning in which employees share their knowledge, drive innovation and develop together.
A learning path is a structured sequence of learning content and activities that build on each other and provide a clear learning path for learners. It enables targeted learning and a step-by-step consolidation of knowledge.
The concept of learning types has been scientifically disproved. Rather, we should speak of individual preferences in learning. There are visual, auditory, kinesthetic and communicative learning preferences. Taking these into account helps to adapt learning content to the needs of the learners.
Lifelong learning means continuous education and competence development throughout life. It promotes adaptability, professional development and personal growth in a constantly changing world.
Lunch Roulette is a method in which employees are randomly drawn together for lunch. It promotes informal communication, networking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas in companies.
Multimodal learning uses different sensory channels (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) in the learning process. It increases comprehension and retention by combining different learning methods.
New Work describes modern work concepts that emphasize flexibility, self-determination and creative development. It includes decentralized working, self-directed training and new forms of collaboration.
On-demand learning enables learning content to be accessed anytime, anywhere. It offers flexible, on-demand learning opportunities that accommodate learners' individual schedules.
Onboarding refers to the introductory phase of new colleagues in a company. It supports smooth integration, conveys corporate values and expertise to ensure a successful start.
Peer-to-peer learning promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration among employees at the same hierarchical level. It strengthens the sharing of experiences, competencies and best practices in a learning community.
Personnel development refers to targeted measures that support employees in their professional development. It includes training, coaching, mentoring and other activities to strengthen competencies and career paths.
Product training provides employees with knowledge about a company's products or services. It supports sales, customer service and expertise to make employees more productive and customer-focused.
Pull learning refers to self-directed learning in which learners actively seek out specific information and determine their learning journey. It allows for individual pace, relevance, and flexibility.
Push learning describes the provision of learning content by teachers or trainers. It is teacher-centered and provides a structured approach in which learners receive predetermined content.
Push learning describes the provision of learning content by teachers or trainers. It is teacher-centered and provides a structured approach in which learners receive predetermined content.
The shortage of skilled workers describes the situation in which there is a shortage of qualified workers in certain industries or occupational fields. It can be countered through recruitment programs and internal training initiatives.
Skill gap analysis identifies the difference between employees' existing skills and the skills required for a specific role or task. It identifies gaps that need to be closed through training or recruitment.
Skill mapping refers to the identification and assessment of the skills and competencies of employees in an organization. It helps to identify strengths and weaknesses and to use resources effectively.
Soft skills are non-technical competencies such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. They are important for social interaction, effective leadership and personal development.
Synchronous learning describes learning activities that take place in real time and in which teachers and learners interact at the same time. It can take the form of live webinars, virtual classes, or video conferencing.
Talent development deals with the promotion and development of employees with high potential in an organization. It includes targeted training, mentoring and career planning to promote and retain talent.
Talent management refers to strategic measures for recruiting, developing and retaining talented employees. It aims to attract the best talents and retain them in the company in the long term.
Training comprises structured learning activities that impart knowledge, skills and competencies. It can take the form of workshops, seminars or training programs.
Visual learning methods use images, graphics and diagrams to convey information. They promote comprehension, memorization, and creativity through visual representation of knowledge.
Web-based learning uses the internet to provide learning content online. It enables location-independent learning, interactivity, and the integration of various media formats into the learning process.
Working Out Loud is a method in which employees share their work and progress transparently and thus learn from each other. It promotes collaboration, networking and knowledge sharing in companies.