Real Skills, Not Just Knowledge.
Discover PACE.

Masterplan PACE is the personal AI coach that helps all employees apply their acquired knowledge directly into practice. Effective upskilling – adaptable to individual learning methods and skill levels.

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Internationale Branchen Leader und Innovationstreiber setzen auf lebenslanges Lernen mit Masterplan.

Every employee has a dedicated coach who

improves skills effectively.

Individualized training for selected courses, geared to the course content and with tasks from real everyday working life. With PACE, everyone trains what really helps them.

Apply in practice

Sometimes PACE acts as a negotiator or a persistent authority figure and engages learners in scenarios from everyday working life, rather than just asking questions.

Reflect together

"How much time do you spend in meetings?", "What do you find difficult when prioritizing?" – PACE helps you reflect on yourself and apply new techniques to prioritize effectively.

Not just learning, but applying.

Personalized AI coaching. Available 24/7 and everywhere. This is how PACE works.

From real everyday life

Context & Task

Each exercise starts with an intro where the context, goal and role of the coach are clarified. And then the interactive training starts straight away.

Authentic conversations

Chat & Discussion

The coach asks questions or wants to know more details. Learners can respond freely so that a realistic conversation develops. Just like in real life.

Feedback in real time

Queries & Tips

Employees can ask questions at any time during the conversation. The coaches answer them immediately, provide the necessary assistance and direct feedback.

Example from
our course:
Personal AI Coach
The leasing contract for the 20 transport vehicles in our car pool is about to expire. We are toying with the idea of switching providers and converting our fleet to e-mobility.

What can you offer and what would you advise us to do?
Nice to meet you, and nice of you to get in touch with us. Switching to e-mobility is of course a good step, but please bear in mind that different aspects like
Example from
our course:
other factors as well. Therefore, there is no concrete reason for a causality between social media activity and an increase in sales. Doubling the budget might not be a sensible measure in this case.
Personal AI Coach
You are absolutely right! The additional factors you mentioned could be "confounding factors" or potential third variables. These may influence the result and could lead to the wrong measures being derived.

Apart from that, do you see any other methodological errors in the second statement on productivity?
Example from
our course:
Can you please briefly explain the basic principle of the Steelman method to me again?
Personal AI Coach
Of course! The parties in a discussion often talk past each other instead of responding to each other. With steelmanning, you reproduce an argument from the other side in detail and thus clear up misunderstandings.

This makes discussions more effective and allows them to take place at eye level.
From real everyday life

Context & Task

Each exercise starts with an intro where the context, goal and role of the coach are clarified. And then the interactive training starts straight away.

Authentic conversations

Chat & Discussion

The coach asks questions or wants to know more details. Learners can respond freely so that a realistic conversation develops. Just like in real life.

Feedback in real time

Queries & Tips

Employees can ask questions at any time during the conversation. The coaches answer them immediately, provide the necessary assistance and direct feedback.

Want to experience PACE live?

We show you what personalized AI coaching looks like in practice.

Better Learning Experiences. Thanks to AI.

With AI coaching from Masterplan PACE, trained staff transform into skilled employees.

Persönlicher KI-Coach

With personalized coaching
Develop Individual Potential

Knowledge is only internalized if it is applied. This works best with a personal coach who challenges, corrects and gives tips. Just like PACE.

Employees receive their own personal AI-based coaching
Course content is applied and practised in everyday scenarios
Interactive chats for a learning experience that inspires

With interactive content
Motivate to Learn

Watch a video in cinema quality – and practice directly yourself. The ideal combination of knowledge and application that otherwise only a personal coach can offer. PACE diversifies learning even more.

MP Originals and curated content combined with gamification
More engagement through real-time feedback and individualization
Practical and relevant training for everyday working life

Effective learning transfer
For the Entire Company

Employee development has never been so effective – for all levels! With Masterplan PACE, you ensure personalized coaching in all teams without additional effort.

Scalable learning-by-doing for the whole organization
Courses and AI training available 24/7 on all devices
Individual upskilling for all jobs, roles and teams


More AI for L&D

Find out in our blog articles what role artificial intelligence plays in HR development and how you can use it in your everyday life!

Ready for AI Coaching with Masterplan?

We'll show you what's possible with our Learning Engagement Platform.