Online Leadership Trainings

Trainings for Managers That Really inspire

So that your company can go forward today and in the future: Develop young talents into real leaders and improve the skills of your experienced managers. Individual, digital and cost-efficient – with Masterplan!

Practice-Led Content

Cinema-quality courses: Real experts share their knowledge on current leadership topics.

Integrable Into Everyday Life

Regardless of time and place: Managers learn efficiently and exactly how and when they need to.

Increasing Learning Motivation

Personalized and modern: AI coaching and interactive training formats ensure lasting learning success.

Video Courses for successful Leadership

Rely on real expertise and use ready-made content from the Masterplan Library, for example:

Learning as a Leader

9 Lessons
46 min
145 Points

Is there a right way to fail? Why should we be critical of successes, and thankful for failures? Here Oliver Kahn walks you through his take on fostering a Growth Mindset, dealing with fear and futility, and how to get in the "flow", so you can learn like a leader!

Oliver Kahn
Oliver Kahn Stiftung
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
The Spectrum of Failure
Lesson 4
PACE: Spectrum of Failure
Lesson 5
Learning from Success
Lesson 6
Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset
Lesson 7
Fear and Futility
Lesson 8
Multivocal Leadership

Leading Employees I: 3 Essentials for Successful Leadership

7 Lessons
23 min
100 Points

Changing perspectives, a good attitude, and the willingness to make sacrifices – to what extent can your employees rely on you? We can tell you this much: Humanity is the foundation of successful and strong leadership.

Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke
Zeit Akademie
Lesson 1
Good Leadership Is Not Easy
Lesson 2
Are You a Leader or a Manager?
Lesson 3
First Step: Changing Your Perspective
Lesson 4
Second Step: Attitude
Lesson 5
Third Step: The Willigness to Sacrifice
Lesson 6
Asking Is The Best Way to Lead!
Lesson 7
Achieving More Through Listening

Leading Through Vision: The Power of Why

6 Lessons
29 min
90 Points

Erfolgreiche Menschen und Unternehmen werden von einem Zielbewusstsein angetrieben. In seinem Masterplan erklärt Simon Sinek, wie man im persönlichen und beruflichen Leben Erfüllung findet und wie man auf der Grundlage dieser Prinzipien eine erfolgreiche Organisation aufbaut.

Simon Sinek
Big Think
Lesson 1
Happy at Work
Lesson 2
Be Your Own Competition
Lesson 3
Build a Culture by Design
Lesson 4
Build Trusting Teams
Lesson 5
Fulfill a Vision
Lesson 6
Become Responsible for People

Leadership Trainings With a lasting Effect

With Masterplan you effectively develop aspiring and experienced leaders.

Practical Insights From Real Experts

Relevant, Clear, Innovative

In-depth expert knowledge meets practice-oriented lessons with concrete tips for (aspiring) leaders. Captivating storytelling and videos in cinema quality ensure comprehensible content and attentive learning.

Whether agile methods, change management or virtual team leadership – the courses are tailored to the specific challenges of managers and continuously expanded with new trend topics.

Personalized and AI-Based Development

Tailor-Made and With Networking Option

In a guided Self-Assessment, employees identify their leadership potential. Based on this, they receive course suggestions and can track their learning progress on the individual Growth Map.

With the personalized AI coaches from Masterplan PACE, learners directly apply what they have learned. Interactive quizzes provide variety and the mix of online and on-site units encourages networking.

Time and Cost-Efficient Leadership Training

Learning Regardless of Time and Place

Thanks to microlearning and mobile availability, training can be seamlessly and flexibly integrated into any calendar – without losing any of its depth. You can learn when and where it suits you, and external trainers are a thing of the past!

(Future) Managers develop efficiently and achieve measurable progress. The personnel development department has an overview of all learning successes and saves time and costs with the self-determined learning offer.

More Learining Success with fun.

How DZ Bank uses digital training to encourage its employees to learn.

It was important to us to enable contemporary, individual and flexible learning that is fun. That embeds all content on a central platform – including our own internal contributions.

Kerstin Manser
HR Development

More Learning Activity

9 out of 10 DZ Bank employees regularly undergo further training with Masterplan.


Increased Learning Time

DZ Bank employees spend more than four hours a month on further training.


Everything You Need for Leadership Training

Smart features to make your leadership training courses a real success:
AI Coaching
Power Skills
Course Library
Blended Learning
Mobile Learning
Learnin Groups
Discover all features

Training for Managers

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