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Masterplan Shorts

Everyone needs it, but hardly anyone has it: Time. With our compact video format, we ensure that all learners can use their time effectively and improve their soft skills in just a few minutes.

Our Shorts at a Glance

Concise, comprehensibly explained content makes learning particularly easy. Masterplan Shorts convey new knowledge in a maximum of four minutes – humorous, reduced to the essentials and with practical concepts for every working day.
Masterplan Shorts

Cognitive Biases: Halo Effect

1 Lesson
2 min
20 Points
Original audio:

Don't let the halo fool you! In this Masterplan Short, you'll learn what factors cause us to see through rose-colored glasses so that you can avoid judging people unfairly – even if those judgments are positive,  they can still be wrong!

Cognitive Biases:
Planning Fallacy

When things go wrong, we want to act fast– but rash decisions and hasty thinking can often do more harm than good. In this Masterplan Short, learn to recognize when the best thing to do is nothing at all!

Cognitive Biases:
Planning Fallacy

Even the most experienced project managers can dramatically underestimate how difficult their projects will be– just ask the Berlin airport or the Sydney Opera House. Watch this Masterplan Short to learn what you can do to avoid falling victim to the Planning Fallacy.

Cognitive Biases:
Sunk Cost Fallacy

When we throw good money after bad, we've fallen victim to the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Discover why we often waste resources when it's actually too late, and how you can avoid this in your next project in this Masterplan Short.

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Crunchy Knowledge Snacks for Various Subject Areas

Rhetoric & Communication

Communicate confidently, speak convincingly and convey messages clearly – with frameworks such as the Babble Hypothesis, the Minto Pyramid or Permission Structures.

Leadership & Collaboration

Smart techniques to develop leadership skills and improve teamwork. For example, with the 2 Pizza Rule or by keeping the Devil's Advocate at bay.

Learning & Teaching

Understand faster and teach successfully: How the Levels of Processing, the Pygmalion Effect and other techniques take your learning and teaching skills to a new level.

Cognitive Biases

How the correct handling of the Sunk Cost Fallacy, Action Bias, Anchoring and other models protects against false influence and possible errors in reasoning.

Data Literacy

Interpret, understand and apply data sensibly: compact learnings on Large Language Model Training, Misleading Diagrams, Acquisition Bias and more.

Productivity & Self-Management

Organize the working day in a more structured way and complete tasks more efficiently, for example by overcoming Task Paralysis or mastering the “Getting Things Done” method.

Clear Thinking

How Godhart's Law, the Imposter Syndrome, the Barnum Effect and other approaches help to make better decisions and sharpen thought processes.

Lorem Ipsum

Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Why Masterplan Shorts Are So Efficient

Microlearning With Maximum Learning Effect

Small Learning Bites, Big Learning Success

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Learn more about Microlearning

Flexible Integration Into Every Working Day

The Perfect Knowledge Snack for in Between

Whether as a filler between two meetings or as a knowledge booster before the next appointment – Masterplan Shorts are time-saving and fit into any calendar. In a maximum of 5 minutes, employees learn new skills that they can apply immediately. Even mobile teams can complete the courses anywhere via smartphone.

Methods and Concepts that Help Everywhere

One Learning Format, Multiple Areas of Application

Masterplan Shorts not only impart knowledge in any time and place, but can also be used regardless of role and position. The format covers a wide range of practice-oriented topics that help in every day working life, for example: Rhetoric & Communication, Productivity & Self-Management, Cognitive Biases or Data Literacy.

Blog Articles in Shorts Format

For everyone who needs a quick knowledge booster right now: Discover our compact blog articles (incl. video) on selected Shorts topics!

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