Masterplan Tutorials: Our New Homepage

Laura Graichen

Screenshot of new Masterplan home page
VIDEO With english subtitles

Many of you have asked us to improve the structure of our homepage after logging in and also to improve our search function. That's why we've tidied up and restructured it so that you can now find the courses and functions relevant to you much quicker and with more ease on our new homepage.

Assigned Learning Paths at a Glance

In the upper third of the page you will now find an excerpt of the learning paths that your company has assigned to you. The button "Show all learning paths", which is located directly below the courses, will take you to a complete overview of your learning paths, which you can filter by "active", "completed" and "mandatory".

Screenshot: learning paths on the Masterplan platform

Below your learning paths, the courses recommended for you are displayed. Which courses are shown here depends on the topics you have already completed courses on or if you have told us in which department you work.

The New "Discover" Feature

If you scroll down you will find the "best rated" and "newest" courses and also our new "Discover" section. Here, our courses are now clearly structured by category. The "Discover" tab in our navigation at the top of the homepage gives you the same overview plus you can also enter keywords in our new and improved search function to look for specific courses.

Screenshot: new "Discover" feature on the Masterplan platform

Create Study Groups and Challenge Colleagues

In the navigation you will also find the new tab "Study group". Here you can see how many learning points you have already collected, how you perform in comparison to your coworkers and you can also create study groups to compete with them.

See our video tutorial, in which our colleague Laura explains to you in more detail how to use all the new features.


FAQ on the Topic

Laura Graichen

Laura Graichen is Product Marketing Manager at Masterplan. She is responsible for the market positioning of our platform and occasionally gets in front of the camera for our tutorials and Masterplan Shorts.

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