For ALL Teams:
Off-the-job Training With Masterplan

Intuitive user interface, gamified video courses: With Masterplan, employees without an assigned company email address can now complete mandatory training courses and product training, go through onboarding, and receive further training on soft skills– regardless of time, location, and workplace.
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Mandatory Training
Whether occupational safety, data protection, or compliance: Our modular system for online training ensures less planning effort and more learning success.
Product Training
Digitized internal product training can be quickly created and in a few clicks assigned to the corresponding teams in self-built learning paths.
Digital onboarding lets all new employees learn important information about the company, their new work area and internal processes more efficiently.
Soft Skills
Improved skills in communication, self-reflection and collaborating in teams. More than 150 interactive video courses on soft skills improve the work of your teams.


No fixed workstations, no company email addresses, no access to devices on site and working in shifts: For many companies, it is almost impossible to efficiently provide Off-the-job training for all employees.

Yet lifelong learning is necessary for ALL teams! Whether a cashier, courier, warehouse worker or production staff, any and all of these job roles can make up a large part of the workforce in a company and a large contribution to the company's success.


With Masterplan, your teams can easily continue their education process even without a company email address. They are assigned an ID that works like an email address on the platform. In just a few steps, they can log in and complete mandatory training, product training, onboarding, and soft skills courses.

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Masterplan solution.
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Our Software: Register Teams Without an E-mail Address

1. Create IDs for all employees without a company e-mail address: IDs will either be directly issued by the company or assigned by the responsible HR manager.
2. Upload a csv. file: Combine all company IDs and employee names in a csv. file for export. Go to the section “User Management” and “Learner Management” on the company space on and upload the csv. file.
3. Issue IDs and registration page to employees: Employees without a company e-mail address need their ID and the link to the company-specific registration page to register (provided by Masterplan).
4. Employees activate their account: With their ID and a few personal details all employees can now activate their account on
5. Log in and start learning: Afterwards employees can log in, work on assigned mandatory training or learning paths or use the Masterplan library for Off-the-job training.
In this video tutorial our colleague Laura explains how it works:

Login Without E-Mail

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6 Advantages That Represent Our Platform

Game-based incentives, motivate in the long term.
Proven success for development.
Exclusive Content
Inspires beginners as well as experts.
E-learning has never been of such high quality.
Apply what you have learned directly.
Top Speaker
Knowledge from international digital luminaries.

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Digitization Training

Digital working and communicating
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Mandatory Course
Ergonomic Workplace: Occupational Safety in the Office – Masterplan.comActing Correctly in Emergency & Fire: Occupational Safety in The Office – Masterplan.comLifting and Carrying: Occupational Safety in The Office –

Mandatory Training

Health & safety as a priority
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Managers & Leadership

Leading in the digital age
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Let‘s Create Your Masterplan!

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