Which e-learning courses were the most popular in German companies this year? Our Top 10 ranking shows the best-rated online courses in 2022, from providers such as Zeit Akademie, Pink University, Big Think, and numerous other experts. The data is based on the ratings of over 200,000 users at more than 300 German companies - including Otto Group, Ottobock, VW and DZ Bank.
Looking at which topics dominate professional development is often associated with a broader view of societal, technological and economic challenges. The development of one's technical skills is no longer sufficient in surviving the modern professional world.
As a result of numerous social and economic crises in recent years and rapid technological progress, the focus has shifted towards other skills. Personal and social skills, so-called soft skills that can be applied across industries, are becoming increasingly popular. The IFO Institute, Bitkom e.V. and the Bertelsmann Foundation all confirm this trend.
For example, a recent survey by the IFO Institute reported that digital skills (42 percent) and adequecies in teamwork (24 percent) are best suited to keeping up with change. In its study “Weiterbildung 2025”, Bitkom describes one of its 10 learning scenarios for 2025 as follows: "In 2025, soft skills are more important than hard skills. The most important soft skills include, for example, the ability to change, working collaboratively, and digitally leading self-directed teams."A study from the Bertelsmann Stiftung shows the impact of the many crises on continuing education over time: Demand for frustration tolerance, for example, rose by 71 percent between 2018 and 2021. A "positive basic attitude" was recently 26 percent more in demand than in 2018. In addition, the ability to motivate others is also gaining importance (+37 percent compared to 2018).
The trends and developments mentioned above are strongly reflected in our current top 10 most popular e-learning courses for 2022. A total of six of the ten top-rated courses focus on the topics of "Soft Skills" and "Leadership & Management".
Only two courses made it back into the top 10 compared to 2021: Margaret Heffernan's TED Talk "The Time for Rankings is Numbered" slipped from first to second place. Morten Wolff was able to defend his title and remain in the fifth position with "Sales Psychology".
Our Head of Content, Lena Kuschke, puts this development into perspective as follows:
"Leading yourself and others, negotiating, being appreciative - many of our top courses this year are in soft skills. This has not come as a surprise to us, as it has already become apparent across industries in recent years that these skills are more important than ever in an ever-changing world. These "core skills" not only enable us to adapt to new work models like Hybrid Work, but ultimately make us better autodidacts. In 2023, these skills will continue to be an important part of our portfolio."
Lena Kuschke, Head of Content