Blog Author

Masterplan Team

Our team consists of learning experts who will always provide you with the latest trends, fresh perspectives and helpful inspiration for successful learning in your company.

Author's recent posts:

The Pareto Principle and the Power of the 80/20 Rule

20% effort, 80% return – learn now how you can achieve a lot with little!

Parkinson's Law: Watch Out, Time Wasters!

Doing everything at the last minute? This is how you overcome the phenoman behind Parkinson's Law!

Partners for the Future: Masterplan & Riverside Acceleration Capital

Masterplan and Riverside Acceleration Capital join forces. Find out everything about the partnership!

Learning from Mistakes: 10 Learnings from Oliver Kahn

Learning from mistakes? Becoming a leader through failure? Oliver Kahn explains what matters.

Multitasking: A Crime Against Productivity

Why our brains can't do everything at once and what really boosts productivity.

Functional Fixedness: How to Think Outside the Box

Learn what is behind the phenomenon of functional fixedness and what you can do against it.

How do you keep motivating yourself, Oliver Kahn?

How does lifelong learning succeed? Find out in our video interview with Masterplan speaker Oliver Kahn! and ZEIT Akademie are Collaborating

Intuitive learning software meets high-quality learning content.

Top 10 Best Rated E-Learning Courses 2021

Which e-learning training courses were the most popular in German companies this year?

Top 10 Most Popular "Soft Skills" Courses in 2021

In 2021, ten soft skills courses were in particularly high demand. Here you can find out which ones. receives 13 million Euros receives 13 million euros and expands its software business.

How Did You Change Jobs 4 Times at Masterplan, Lena?

We want to introduce you to Lena, Head of Content at Masterplan.

Masterplan Headquarter Moves to Düsseldorf

Masterplan will manage its international sales and customer service from Düsseldorf in the future. expands course portfolio for marketing & sales

Portfolio upgrade: Over 460 lessons on the topics of "Marketing & Sales" now online

The 10 most popular e-learning courses on marketing and sales

Which professional training courses on marketing and sales are the most popular in German companies?

Masterplan @ LearnTec: Schedule & After-Party with ZEIT Akademie

How to find our booth, the after party with ZEIT Akademie and how to obtain a free ticket.

Work Stress: 3 Effective Strategies For Stress-Free Work

Did you know that many people quit their job because of work stress? Masterplan can help with that!

Masterplan for All Teams

Digital learning for the offline worker.

Top 10 E-learning Courses On Digitization 2022

Which e-learning courses on "digitization" are best rated on the Masterplan learning platform?

The most popular courses on stress and time management

Do you want to increase your well-being – these Masterplan courses make it possible.

How Professional Development Paves the Way to the Top

The benefits of professional development in the workplace: not a nice-to-have, but a must-have.

New certificates – overview for managers, motivation for teams

After every successfully completed learning path, learners will receive a certificate!

Top 10 Best Rated Courses 2022

Which e-learning courses were the most popular in German companies this year? Launches New Android and iOS App

We've launched our new Android and iOS app! Read more about the features here.

Learn Smarter, not Harder: Masterplan Shorts

Social media viewing habits and scientific insights combined in our new format.

Measuring Learning Success With the LTEM-Framework

How to measure learning success in your organization with the Learning Transfer Evaluation Model.

ROI of Learning: Measuring the Financial Effects of Training

How to measure the financial effects of training with the ROI formula.